Dialogue through Art

Advocacy for priority youth issues, raising topics using arts-based tools and making recommendations at regional and national levels.

The FTI project works alongside partners including the Sakhna Theater, educational centres and secondary schools. In phase 1 of MAP youth well-being issues were identified by 16 MAP Youth Clubs across 4 regions in Kyrgyzstan, discussed at local levels and presented in 16 policy briefs.

Among issues of concern were lack of access to education for girls, child labourand violence against children. Now in Phase 2, MAP Youth Clubs from four regions will prioritise 3 key issues to lobby policy makers with.

The MAP Youth Clubs will choose art-based tools (e.g., Forum Theatre, Participatory Video Session, Photo Voice, songs, or traditional artistic practices) to facilitate engagement with identified decision makers, shaping their empathy and will towards addressing the issues identified.

A series of regional discussions will empower young people to contribute towards a national level advocacy event, to be accompanied by policy briefs.  

Lead partner

Updates and events

Gira Ingoma – One Drum Per Girl

Drumming, dance and creative workshops/festivals, enabling girls to address inequality by exploring their empowerment through non-traditional creative roles.

Visualising Peace

Using film-making and art exhibitions to address the barriers young people face in engaging and influencing community members and policy makers.